[TriPython] Part 2 of Pytest talk in March?

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Thu Feb 7 10:50:44 EST 2019


Thanks for the offer. March is already claimed by Rex Dwyer. However, we need someone for April. Interested?

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 2/7/19, 10:25 AM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Tim Hopper" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of tdhopper at gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Chris et al,
    As I mentioned in my Pytest talk, I have a Part 2 on Pytest Fixtures that
    I'd be happy to deliver. In my experience, this is one of the hardest
    things for people to get their heads around, but also one of the most
    powerful features. If the March meeting isn't claimed and isn't too soon to
    see me again, I would be happy to do it then.

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