[TriPython] Next (2!) Parts Of CircuitPython State Article Series Are Up

Calloway, Chris cbc at unc.edu
Tue Sep 4 12:40:02 EDT 2018

Are you using Jekyll for your blog pages? If so, you can add the Jekyll Atom feed plug-in and we can add your blog to planet.tripython.org:


Your old blog is linked there now.

Chris Calloway
Applications Analyst
University of North Carolina
Renaissance Computing Institute
(919) 599-3530

On 9/4/18, 11:55 AM, "TriZPUG on behalf of Josh Johnson" <trizpug-bounces+cbc=unc.edu at python.org on behalf of lionface.lemonface at gmail.com> wrote:

    I posted two more installments of my blog series that will be the basis for
    my talk later in the month.
    Part 2: https://jjmojojjmojo.github.io/circuitpython-state-part-2.html
    Part 3: https://jjmojojjmojo.github.io/circuitpython-state-part-3.html
    In these parts of the series, we talk about what state is (lots of
    real-world examples - I got to draw a chart showing the three common phases
    of water!), and model it with Python. It covers using simple variables,
    complex data structures, and lands on OOP.
    Then, we use state to 'debounce' buttons without blocking, and end by
    discussing how to do things when state changes, or "event detection".
    Next installment will put all this to practice building a generic state
    dispatcher for button events. It feels a lot like GUI programming, but it
    ends up being really easy to work with.
    I'm going to try to get the rest of the series posted before my talk, but I
    might have to shift gears and work on my slides - I do have all of it
    written, but it was one loooooong post so I decided to break it up so
    people might actually read all of it. If anyone wants to peek into the
    future, I can pre-publish my drafts as I'm working on them, just ping me
    off list.

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