[TriPython] Lightning talk, anyone?

Brian Gerard bgerard at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 21:11:30 EST 2017

Hey everyone-

TriLUG (the Triangle Linux Users Group) is having a lightning talks only meeting
this Thursday, 11/9, and we're fishing for speakers.  :)  Since lightning talks
are such an integral part of the TriPython culture, I wanted to reach out and
see if any of you fine folks might want to come on by and present one.

The details are on the site at https://trilug.org/2017-11-09/lightning-talks,
including a link to the sign-up sheet.  But for the basics, it's 7:00 PM (pizza
starts at 6:45), at the College of Textiles on the NCSU Centennial Campus (map
link is on the page).  The sign-up sheet only has options for 5 or 10 minutes,
but that's just so we can guess about how much time we need - if you have
something that runs over or under those, that's just fine.

Even if you don't want to present, come on by and see what other things we may
have to show!

Hope to see you there-

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