[TriPython] Python training for development staff

Tim Crone bbtim at crone.us
Thu May 4 21:41:44 EDT 2017

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Ken M <devilock76 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyway long story short, can anyone recommend a good local to Raleigh
> python training class to send a group of developers.  Or a trainer who
> would come in to train the group on site.

I don't know the cost, but my employer recently brought in a Python
professor from Durham Tech.  DTCC worked with us to come up with a
targeted curriculum, staggered courses, and syllabus that - at least
on paper - focused on the stuff we wanted to teach.  I was only
involved in the course design discussions so I'm not sure how the
business agreement was reached, or with whom - however the DTCC people
did not act like onsite training was unusual for them.

Anyway if you've not already found something you might try contacting
the extension offices of Wake/Durham/Orange Tech, and perhaps
NCSU/UNC/Duke.  I will say I was very impressed by the first professor
we interviewed, there are lots of great folks in academia in this area
- some of whom will have a lot of free time at the end of the month!

Best of luck,

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