[TriPython] Iron Yard Durham Python Class Lab Help

Dana Calder dana at theironyard.com
Fri Mar 31 11:38:12 EDT 2017


I wanted to reach out to you to see if members in the TriPython community
would be willing to to assist me with lab coverage for our current Iron
Yard Durham Python students. Their instructor, Sam Boyarsky has to step
away on these dates for appointments. If you can help, please let me know.
At this point, their instructor has covered the basics of Python and
Django. I can give more insight about the curriculum if your schedule
aligns with helping.

Wednesday 4/5: 1pm-5pm
Wednesday 4/12: 3:30-5pm
Monday 4/17: 3-5pm

Thank you,

*Dana Calder*
Campus Director | Durham
334 Blackwell Street, Suite B001
-------------- next part --------------
   I wanted to reach out to you to see if members in the TriPython community
   would be willing to to assist me with lab coverage for our current Iron
   Yard Durham Python students. Their instructor, Sam Boyarsky has to step
   away on these dates for appointments. If you can help, please let me know.
   At this point, their instructor has covered the basics of Python and
   Django. I can give more insight about the curriculum if your schedule
   aligns with helping.
   Wednesday 4/5:**1pm-5pm
   Wednesday 4/12:**3:30-5pm
   Monday 4/17:**3-5pm
   Thank you,
   Dana Calder
   Campus Director | Durham
   334 Blackwell Street, Suite B001


   Visible links
   1. file:///tmp/tel:919-806-9594

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