[TriZPUG] Thank Yous, Reminders, Suggestion

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Tue Apr 21 22:52:55 CEST 2015

A reminder that we have a fundraiser going on to send Luke Campagnola to 
SciPy Conference to present and sprint on VisPy and PyQtGraph. We're 
trying to wrap this up by May 15, which is the last day of early bird 
registration. We're almost at the halfway point now. Help us put Luke 
over the top:


Thank you to Kurt Grandis who donated not one but two Raspberry Pis 
which were given away as door prizes at the March meeting. Very 
generous! Thanks also to Astro Code School who gave away 5 t-shirts at 
the same meeting.

Thanks a bunch to Caktus Group who have been very generous with an 
abundance of pizza at the Durham project nights so far this year.

A reminder that Astro Code School has invited you to thei launch party 
on Friday May 1:


And finally, don't forget our general meeting on Thursday in Chapel 
Hill. We have Francois Dion coming from the Python user group in 
Winston-Salem to talk to us about Python 3. Plus I've heard about at 
least three if not more lightning talks in the works:



Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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