[TriZPUG] Hello TriPythoners

Zachary Huntington-Meath zjhuntingtonmeath at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 17:39:15 CEST 2015

Hello everyone,

My name is Zachary Huntington-Meath, and like Daniel, I just graduated from
The Iron Yard Python engineering course. Now that the program is done, I'm
excited to become a part of TriPython, and the local Python community in
general. If anyone's interested in working on future projects, let me know,
I'd love to collaborate.

I'm also on the job hunt, for a position as a jr. developer or intern. You
can check out examples of my work on my GitHub
<http://www.github.com/zjhuntin> page or my portfolio <http://zjhuntin.me>.
If you all know of any opportunities, please let me know.

I'm stoked to meet you all at future events!

- Zachary Huntington-Meath
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