[TriZPUG] Please Help Send Luke Campagnola To SciPy Conference

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Thu Apr 9 19:29:15 CEST 2015

Would those of you from TriPython at PyCon help spread this word around, 
please? I don't know if someone could give a super brief lightning talk? 
Of if you are making a presentation, if you could stick a slide at the 
end with the gofundme link? It just seems like an opportunity. If you do 
something like that, please let us know. Thanks.

On 4/8/2015 9:12 PM, Chris Calloway wrote:
> This will be the most important post I make to this email list all year.
> One of our members, Luke Campagnola, is a tireless and selfless
> contributor to the forefront of FOSS scientific Python software. You may
> have attended his presentation to TriPython his packages VisPy and
> PyQtGraph last year. His work is stunning.
> Luke is a post-doc in the School of Medicine at UNC where he conducts
> neuro-electrophysiology research that will lead to hearing for the deaf
> and sight for the blind. It's in the after hours that he continues to
> lead and contribute to large scientific Python open source projects. On
> post-doc pay. With a family.
> I can't think of anyone more deserving of your help. Luke really needs
> to get to SciPy Conference this year to get the SciPy community more
> aware of VisPy and PyQtGraph. VisPy has gotten attention at EuroSciPy
> for a few years now. But not here on Luke's home soil.
> Let's see if we can't raise the funds as a user group to send Luke to
> SciPy Conference. If you have ever benefited from your association with
> TriPython, or if I've ever done you a favor, or if you've ever had pizza
> at a project night, here's your way to give back. Please give generously
> at this link:
> http://gofundme.com/vispyqtgraph2015
> Please disregard the notice that says the fundraiser is 25 days old. It
> was just made public tonight.


Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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