[TriZPUG] Please Help Send Luke Campagnola To SciPy Conference

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Thu Apr 9 03:12:23 CEST 2015

This will be the most important post I make to this email list all year.

One of our members, Luke Campagnola, is a tireless and selfless 
contributor to the forefront of FOSS scientific Python software. You may 
have attended his presentation to TriPython his packages VisPy and 
PyQtGraph last year. His work is stunning.

Luke is a post-doc in the School of Medicine at UNC where he conducts 
neuro-electrophysiology research that will lead to hearing for the deaf 
and sight for the blind. It's in the after hours that he continues to 
lead and contribute to large scientific Python open source projects. On 
post-doc pay. With a family.

I can't think of anyone more deserving of your help. Luke really needs 
to get to SciPy Conference this year to get the SciPy community more 
aware of VisPy and PyQtGraph. VisPy has gotten attention at EuroSciPy 
for a few years now. But not here on Luke's home soil.

Let's see if we can't raise the funds as a user group to send Luke to 
SciPy Conference. If you have ever benefited from your association with 
TriPython, or if I've ever done you a favor, or if you've ever had pizza 
at a project night, here's your way to give back. Please give generously 
at this link:


Please disregard the notice that says the fundraiser is 25 days old. It 
was just made public tonight.


Chris Calloway, Applications Analyst
UNC Renaissance Computing Institute
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill, NC 27517
(919) 599-3530

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