[TriZPUG] application deployment

Jim White jbw2003 at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 29 20:54:44 CEST 2013


I took the web programming class  this summer and have written my first 
web app using Flask. It works great using the development server, but am 
having problems with deployment. I tried mod_wsgi and that worked on one 
server but got segmentation faults on another.

Next I have moved to wsgiref. I have written a startup script to run in 
the /etc/init.d directory of my server and can start and stop using the 
service command. The problem I have is that my service stops when I 
close the shell.

Would appreciate any suggestions for writing a linux startup script to 
run wsgiref or otherwise a good way to get my program running as a service.

James B. White
Cary, NC
H: 919-380-9615
M: 919-698-1765
White Coding and Maps <http://whitecodingandmaps.com/>
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