[TriZPUG] More Meeting News

Tristan tristan at caltech.edu
Fri Nov 18 19:14:13 CET 2011

For me, it was mostly the late reminder notice - something I'm told a 
month in advance tends to fall of my radar plus ingrained habit of end 
of month meetings.

The other part was the last raleigh meeting I went too was pretty 
sparse, and combined with the late notice, I figured it would 
contribute to lowered attendance.  Of course, that reasoning tends to be 
self fulfilling the more people that follow it.


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 05:54:17PM +0000, Johnson, Josh wrote:
> I'm working down the hill from the usual Raleigh location now, so I'm very, very interested in having Raleigh meetings and having them somewhere on Centennial Campus :)
> I was bummed about the meeting, I was literally shouting distance away and I just wrote down the wrote time :(
> I can definitely assist in any way as far as prep before a meeting or getting the word out (I'm not associated with NCSU or Red Hat so I can't do anything as far as opening doors or reserving space).
> What do you think (I'm asking the group as well as Chris here) is preventing folks from coming to the Raleigh meetings? Are we still notifying TriLUG about them as well? Did that help?
> Ill do whatever I can to help out. 
> Thanks,
> JJ

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