[TriZPUG] More Meeting News

Joseph Mack NA3T jmack at wm7d.net
Fri Nov 18 19:01:26 CET 2011

On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, Johnson, Josh wrote:

> What do you think (I'm asking the group as well as Chris 
> here) is preventing folks from coming to the Raleigh 
> meetings? Are we still notifying TriLUG about them as 
> well? Did that help?

I'm in Durham. Raleigh is a way for me. 7pm (rather than 
6pm) would help, but since I won't be coming all the time, 
it would be better to have a time suited to those that will 
come regularly.

A reminder (with the time/location) on the day is really 
helpful. I have events in my engagement book, but I don't 
look at it a whole lot.

Notifying TriLUG can't hurt.


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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