[TriZPUG] Meeting tomorrow

Bradley A. Crittenden brad.crittenden at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:35:44 CET 2009

On Jan 21, 2009, at 08:22 , Chris Calloway wrote:

> My Dad had a massive stroke this morning. I'm in Tampa trying to get  
> back home. I'm sorry but I won't be able to present on Python 3000  
> tomorrow or host the meeting. I suggest you meet in Phillips 328  
> instead and post a notice on the door of the Chapman 4th floor  
> Marine Sciences suite, please. Phillips 328 is already reserved as a  
> backup and is always unlocked. There are about ten of you who are  
> managers of the site and can make the changes to the meeting notice  
> in my folder and on the front page. Don't forget to pimp the special  
> March meeting at the meeting tomorrow. Thanks and don't worry. If  
> you go ahead and meet that would be the biggest help. -Chris

I've edited the front page.

Sorry to hear about your father Chris.  I hope he is ok.


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