[TriZPUG] New to Plone (3) just launched our site: New TrizPug member-

Stephanie Thirolle stepht at duke.edu
Fri Feb 13 14:58:23 CET 2009

Hey Jason,
    I can help a bit with #2....what version of Plone are you running, 
and are you building your views in the zmi or on the file system?

Stephanie Thirolle, Nicholas School, Duke University

Jason Hare wrote:
> I have some basic questions- I read through the following:
> The plone.org  website, the User's Guide to Plone (from Enfold- we run
> proxy server on windows IIS6) and I read a good chunk of the Martin
> Aspelli book.
> My questions are- 
> 1. I use the ZMI to pack the DB every Friday and I have yet to get how
> to run the repozo script to make backups- I wrote a .bat file and I seem
> to be having problems determining the PYTHONPATH that is a requirement
> in running repozo.py. In windows I assuming (perhaps incorrectly-) that
> the PATH is looking for python.exe. I have included a copy of our .bat-
> maybe some one has a tip?
> "C:\Python24\python.exe" "E:\dpsnc_site\bin\repozo.py" -Bvz -r
> "E:\backup" -f "E:\dpsnc_site\var\filestorage\Data.fs"
> 'My file locations 
> 'C:\Python24\python.exe  - location of our python.exe
> 'E:\dpsnc_site\bin\repozo.py - location of the repozo.py file
> 'E:\backup - folder created to store the backup.
> 'E:\dpsnc_site\var\filestorage\Data.fs - location of our database -
> Data.fs
> 2. This is a serious Noob question I know but I also can't seem to find
> a simple yes no answer to this question- I am sure it is yes and perhaps
> a pointer to a tutorial would be great- I want to have a custom skin on
> a custom template for a particular folder- this is possible? I was
> thinking that this might be the approach:
> http://plone.org/documentation/how-to/applying-a-custom-view-to-a-specif
> ic-folder
> So I would then have to create a template and a skin to add the custom
> view?
> 3. We used sixfeetup to build our template and a customized version of
> the plone4artists calendar and watching them do a buildout it always
> seems they have to seriously customize the buildout script for whatever
> it is they are publishing- so far I have not been able to get a step by
> step- I would like to use a windows specific svn and buildout deployment
> tool (not sure if this is the right terminology). Any recommendations
> would be appreciated.
> I hope to contribute as much as I am given help thank you so much for
> reading this and providing any advice...
> Sincerely
> Jason Hare
> Webmaster
> Durham public Schools
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Stephanie Thirolle
Director of Web Projects
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University

stepht at duke.edu



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