[TriZPUG] viewing all transactions for a single Plone object

Edmund Moseley edmund at unc.edu
Thu Feb 12 19:07:29 CET 2009

Hi Trizpuglians,

One of my users reports that they had entered a substantial amount of 
data into an object, saved it, made a workflow transition, another user 
witnessed these changes, only for later the changes to disappear.

I believe the magic 'undo' feature will no longer work, as this 
happened a few days ago. I know it is possible to view the workflow 
history of an object, but is there any way of viewing all edits to a 
specific object?

Unfortunately we are still using Plone 2.5.2, and look forward to the 
version control goodness of Plone 3 (almost finished our migration!)

Cheers for any ideas,
Edmund Moseley
Databases Analyst
NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

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