[TriZPUG] Plone2PDF?

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Thu Aug 20 20:17:54 CEST 2009

I can't advise you on that specific product, but you might want to  
look at these also:


The prereqs, and thus the install, for any PDF transform product are  
going to be convoluted because all the helper libraries are external  
to the products (no need to rewrite them).

You are definitely on the right path, though, to get your organization  
to use the CMS as a the content editing system instead of Word. You  
can always export Word from HTML (look at those products above). But  
HTML generated form Word is always going to be ugly to clean up (yes,  
even after the existing products which tidy up Word output are used).  
Using Word is irresponsible because it traps your content.

On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:53 AM, Dimauro, Frank wrote:

> Has anyone out there successfully installed Plone2PDF into a Plone  
> 3.x instance? The instructions on the product page are convoluted  
> and chock full of dependencies/requisites so before I embark on this  
> I just want to see if there are any caveats from local users.
> I want to put in place a Plone to pdf export function to avoid the  
> redundant steps of creating content locally, exporting to PDF then  
> uploading pdf file to Plone for download by user. The goal is to  
> have Plone serve as the primary content source (instead of a Word  
> file on someone’s PC), then allow user to export to pdf if needed. A  
> document managing system, what.
> Frank DiMauro
> Information Services Division
> UNC Health Care System
> 321 Meadowmont Village Circle, 2nd Floor
> Chapel Hill, NC 27517
> 919-966-7988 (Tel)
> 919-966-2110 (Fax)
> <image001.png>
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Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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