[triangle-zpug] Plone Jams

Chris Calloway cbc at unc.edu
Fri Oct 26 17:05:07 CEST 2007

David Handy wrote:
> What would I do at a Plone jam? Well, I guess I'd pull out my little Plone
> book and start working on beginning stuff, because that's where I'm at. But
> it would be real helpful to be able to ask questions of real people in real
> time, provided they don't get too annoyed...

I think one of the purposes of Plone Jam is for real people to be in the 
same room together working on Plone in real time.

So bring your Lisa Simpson saxophone.

I heard from Rob on #trizpug that he is OK with Wednesdays, too. I'm 
really hoping to hear from Mike Revoir as he's so experienced with the 
design pattern Plone Jam is playing around with. Maybe we could 
alternate Plone Jam back and forth between Duke and UNC if it would help 

David, are you saying you'd like TriZPUG regular meetings back on 
Wednesdays? Your opinion counts as much as anybody's here as you were 
the one who requested the move to Tuesdays. :)

BTW, this is the book to work from now:


And according to Joel Burton, you will need to read this one first:


BTW, again, Philipp's book is coming out in a third edition in paperback 
in Feb 2008. Right now Amazon has the 2nd edition at 37% off. The new 
paperback edition will be as expensive as the hardback ($60).

I'm going to tack one more thing onto this email. I was just contacted 
by Tres, ChrisM, and Paul at Agendaless. I've told some of you about how 
  excited I am by their latest development:


Repoze is going to allow all Python web frameworks to converge into one 
big pool of components. Grok, Twisted, Pylons, Django, Turbogears, 
Zope2, Zope3, Plone.... we'll all be able to develop from a set of 
shared components. Repoze is the single most important development in 
the Python world at present.

Tres is offering to send someone from Agendaless to talk to us about 
Repoze. I've asked them to come whenever they like and that I would also 
try to coordinate with ChapPy. Whenever they choose to come, I think we 
should make a concerted effort to get a big audience there. ChrisM is 
particularly good at making easy to grok presentations. It might be time 
to try another form of video conferencing again, and try to bring in the 
Atlanta Plone group and some of our other friends.


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 962-4323
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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