[Tkinter-discuss] Checkbutton indicatoron ignored on Mac

Ned Deily nad at acm.org
Thu Oct 25 23:40:16 CEST 2012

In article <rowen-2AB42F.09155025102012 at news.gmane.org>,
 "Russell E. Owen" <rowen at uw.edu> wrote:

> I just realized that the Checkbutton option "indicatoron" is being 
> ignored on Mac OS X: the checkbox is always shown, even if indicatoron 
> is false.
> I'm using ActiveState's Tcl/Tk 8.5.11, specifically: 
> ActiveTcl8.
> Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a workaround? It ruins the 
> appearance of a lot of my application.
> I see that ActiveState now has version 8.5.12 available and I'll give 
> that a try. Anyone know how reliable that is on Mac OS X? I've seen 
> warnings of bugs, but I don't know if they were fixed in time for that 
> release.

Specifically with regard to using ActiveTcl 8.5.x with Python on OS X, 
there are some bugs fixed in and; however there are at 
least two serious regressions that exist in  One is a Tk crash 
when attempting to open IDLE's Preferences menu: there is now a patch 
for all current versions of IDLE that works around the problem.  Second 
is a Tk crash when using the clipboard copy command.  That problem 
apparently has been fixed in the top-of-trunk of Cocoa Tk 8.5 (which was 
formerly a separate branch but has now been merged into the main Tk 8.5 
support branch) subsequent to the release of ActiveTk  If 
either of these problems might affect your use, I would recommend 
staying with ActiveTcl for the time being.


 Ned Deily,
 nad at acm.org

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