[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter (IDLE) freeze when I try to use ttk

Guido Carballo-Guerrero charras at me.com
Sat Jul 10 18:52:11 CEST 2010

Hello, I just update my Python version to 2.7. I was doing some programs using Tkinter and ttk. By the way I have a Mac running 10.6.4. Well, after I install Python, I install ActivePython2.6.5--I try to install 2.7.0 but at the end of the installation it gave me an error message--and ActiveTcl, this 'cause I discover that if I didn't do that, Python will use Tcl and Tk 8.4, which doesn't allow me to use ttk.

No my problem is that I can't use Python's IDLE. Well, I can only open one window at a time. If I try to open a new window to make a program, Python freeze. Some curios, if that if I don't have Python open, and double click on a program, Python opens the IDLE and the program in to separate windows without a problem, but when I try to run the program it freeze.

I guess that this is a bug somewhere in the ttk implementation, or in Python. Do you guys have any idea how can I solve this? Or have anybody update Python to 2.7, and use ttk on a Mac? If so, please let me know how you manage to do it.



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