[Tkinter-discuss] widget focus switching problems.

Nicholas nicholaskriz at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 10:52:43 CEST 2007

I'm having difficulty switching focus between widgets in my program. This  
is a mostly non-functioning GUI to be used for database creation, saving  
and retreival. The code currently looks horrifyingly unPythonic since I'm  
very new to this and I'm just kind of hacking my way through it. It's also  
several hundred more lines than I should put in here. My major question is  
if there is a Python or Tkinter piece of code that will excecute itself as  
though I had pressed the tab button? In other words, I'd like to bind the  
return key, when pressed in my Entry box, to switch focus (or Tab) to the  
next item in the focus loop. I have the focus turned off for all other  
widgets aside from the ones created by the function below and one button  
(the one that will save the entries to the db). Sorry if this is  
long-winded, but I'm not sure what I'm talking about enough to be concise.  
Anyway, here's the code so far and what I think it does:


variables = []					# clears previously collected values
for field in SHORTKEYS:				# iterates over a list of 40 items
     ent = Entry(rite)				# creates the entry box
     ent.pack(side = TOP, fill = X)		# packs the entry box
     if field == 'name':				# 'name' is the first entry box,
         ent.focus_set()				# so it gets focus on startup
     ent.bind('<Return>', return_pressed)	# binds <Return> on all entry  
     var = StringVar()				#
     ent.config(textvariable=var)		# all the other lines convert the entries
     variables.append(var)			# to a list I can use later.
return variables				#


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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