[Tkinter-discuss] Dialog and mainloop (UNCLASSIFIED)

Hensley, Jeffrey L ERDC-ITL-MS Contractor Jeffrey.L.Hensley at erdc.usace.army.mil
Fri Jul 13 16:27:20 CEST 2007

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

I have an application in the works but seem to have a basic misunderstanding
of the implementation of standard dialog windows.

When the user presses a button to commit an action, I wish to pop up a dialog
with a "Are you sure?" query. I'm trying to use the basic askyesno. If the
user chooses to continue, we go on our merry way and processing occurs
(potentially very time consuming).

HOWEVER, even though the user has pressed "yes" or "no", the dialog window
itself does not disappear until I fall out of the function and, I believe,
the process has returned to the mainloop.

The behavior I have now is, well, unacceptable. The underlying processing may
take some time, there are messages being written to a status window, etc; and
the user is stuck looking at the dialog not aware of what is going on.

Am I missing something? [well, of course I am!]


Jeff Hensley, Ph.D.                      Phone: 601-634-4596
EQM On-site lead, ERDC PET    Fax: 601-634-2324
3909 Halls Ferry Road         Jeffrey.L.Hensley at erdc.usace.army.mil
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199    http://www.erdc.hpc.mil

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

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