[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter wiki back (was Re: Tkinter wiki down?)

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Tue Apr 24 12:31:23 CEST 2007

I was on a trip and had spotty net access.  I just arrived home today.

A few days ago when I had some time online, I found that the machine
hosting the tkinter wiki was very heavily loaded, and because there were
many instances of the tkinter wiki cgi script, each weighing about 1GB
of memory, I concluded that this was the cause for the heavy load.  I
disabled the wiki (leading to the '500' errors everyone has seen)
because at that time I couldn't look into the problem any more closely.

Now that I'm home I've reenabled the wiki and it doesn't seem to be
causing problems (yet) but that also means I don't know why there was a
problem to begin with.

It may be time to talk about moving the tkinter wiki to a system
administered by somebody else.  I haven't exactly been doing a stellar
job, and perhaps a new volunteer would do better.


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