[stdlib-sig] Suggested tweaks to http and xmlrpc packages

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon Feb 4 23:07:34 CET 2008

On Feb 4, 2008 2:02 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Le lundi 04 février 2008 à 13:12 -0800, Brett Cannon a écrit :
> > That is what I am starting to realize. If I had my way I would want to
> > rename them:
> >
> > cookielib -> cookie.client
> > Cookie -> cookie.server
> >
> > But that does not exactly follow Guido's shorter name desire. But
> > considering Cookie breaks the naming scheme as it is and thus will
> > have to be renamed and cookie is rather generic, we might be able to
> > get away with this renaming. What do people think?
> It sounds a bit bizarre to me. There is no such thing as a "cookie
> server" or "cookie client". On the other hand "cookie.clientstorage" and
> "cookie.serverstorage" is certainly too long.
> It is also strange that Cookie and cookielib do not seem to share any
> code (not even for parsing or encoding cookies).

Different authors and they were added at different times in Python's
history. If we can expose what is needed to replace Cookie from
cookielib we can probably work to toss Cookie in Py3K.


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