[Spambayes] FW: Auto-response for your message to the "SpamBayes" mailing list

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 10:24:01 CET 2009

[Gene Mannacio]
> As a measure of the effectiveness of your product, or rather the lack
> thereof, please be advised that this automated reply to my prior e-mail
> ended up in my junk suspects file.  That would be good advertising, don't
> you think?  "So, effective we filter out our own messages to you!"  And,
> by the way, maybe you're right because this message assumes that
> I'm a fool and haven't thought of reading your FAQ.

Given that just before this you sent a msg decrying the lack of
whitelisting capability, it appears you did the miss FAQ 6.6, "Why
don't you add whitelisting/blacklisting to SpamBayes?".  If missing
that makes /you/ think you're "a fool", cut yourself a break already


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