[Spambayes] Lost my junk mail folder

Carl csjrswofford at bellsouth.net
Sat Sep 22 03:24:34 CEST 2007

Janis, Have you looked in your Deleted Items folder?  Perhaps you
inadvertently deleted the Junk Mail folder or inadvertently moved it
into another folder.  Look your list of folders.  Does your Deleted
Items folder have a plus sign to the left of it? If so click on that
plus sign and see if your Junk Mail folder is there.  If not, click on
the plus sign to the left of each folder that has one and look in them.
If you find it, simply move it back to your Inbox folder.
-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-bounces+csjrswofford=bellsouth.net at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces+csjrswofford=bellsouth.net at python.org] On
Behalf Of Janis
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 8:16 PM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] Lost my junk mail folder
Please help me.  I've been very happily using SpamBayes with Outlook for
a long time.  I regularly check both Junk Suspects and Junk Mail.
Recently, the Junk Mail folder disappeared from my Outlook folder list
and I cannot find it anywhere.  I can't see what's going to Junk Mail
and I can't delete the emails in Junk Mail.  What happened?  What can I
My version of Windows:  XP
My version of SpamBayes:  1.0.4
Please email janis at sundayfriends.org or call me at 408 356-0855.  Thanks
so much.
Janis Baron
Sunday Friends
The Working Alternative to Charity
(408) 793-0441
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