[Spambayes] Spam in Images

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Aug 3 16:25:19 CEST 2006

    Bob> But Peter's point is that a picture of somebody's granddaughter
    Bob> won't be a GIF image; it will be a JPEG. Digital cameras don't use
    Bob> GIF, and hardly anybody else does either. Except spammers, who
    Bob> presumably care less about image quality than about file size.

Sure, but just like everything else, the spamminess of specific image types
is highly user-specific.  I dont have any granddaughters (yet, thank God),
so at best JPEGS are a wash.  GIFs and PNGs look spammy though:

    % spamcounts -r image/
    token,nspam,nham,spam prob

Still, the image type is just one token.  Almost no matter how strongly
spammy it is, it's likely to be overwhelmed by whatever other tokens exist
in the message.


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