[Spambayes] Nothing IN Troubleshooting

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Fri Oct 7 18:18:20 CEST 2005

Hi Anne,

I'm not a user of SpamBayes for Outlook so I can't walk you exactly
through the steps, but the Troubleshooting guide suggests this fix for
toolbar problems:

 1. Right-click on any Outlook toolbar, and select Customize.

 2. In the dialog that appears, ensure the Toolbars tab is selected,
    locate SpamBayes in the list of toolbars, and select it.

 3. Click on the Delete button. Outlook will ask for confirmation that you
    want to delete the SpamBayes toolbar. Select OK.

 4. Close the customize dialog. The SpamBayes toolbar no longer appear.

 5. Close and restart Outlook [it's probably a good idea to wait for a
    few seconds after Outlook disappears before restarting it].  SpamBayes
    will re-create the toolbar.

Could you try out those steps and tell us what happens?

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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