[Spambayes] Help requested

Jeremy Labram Jeremy.Labram at Charteris.com
Thu May 12 11:04:20 CEST 2005

Sorry - here is the latest log file



From: Jeremy Labram 
Sent: 12 May 2005 09:57
To: 'spambayes at python.org'
Subject: Help requested


Can any one help.


I've done as much self help as I can and the problem is still there.


Two problems:


1.	The spam filter is recognising as spam stuff that for many
months was recognised correctly as ham.
2.	The tool bar does not work


Done all the things on problem 2 that are suggested in the help pages
and on the forum.


Done a windows uninstall and reinstall etc


This is just a feeling but when you do fairly radical stuff like
deleting files and reinstalls that the app should spend some time
reconfiguring and learning again which it doesn't seem to.  It did not
appear to be a clean uninstall.


The log file suggests to my 'lay eyes' a definite problem with the tool
bar - 'error invoking com method'.  


Also the spam scores are very high for my company e-mail which never
normally get filtered - see below.


Combined Score: 22% (0.223363)

Internal ham score (*H*): 0.624126
Internal spam score (*S*): 0.0708521

# ham trained on: 1356
# spam trained on: 3219


Short term I am watching spambayes carefukkyn fir misfiltered stuff but
there are serious risks of losing important e-mails.  Even a clean
reinstall would be good enough for me eventhough I don't have a
trustworthy set of spam to do the training with.


Thanks in advance.


OS = XP sp2

Version 1.04 March

Outlook 2003


Jeremy Labram, Principal, Charteris plc, tel 07989 330721 (M), 020 7600
9199 (Off)


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