ham,RE: [Spambayes] RE: Huge Log File - Over 13GB in Size

Mike Blonder vze5bgzj at verizon.net
Thu Mar 24 14:16:38 CET 2005

Is the definitive answer to this query that nothing can be done about the huge 
log file issue?

Also, I am running SuSE Linux 9.1.  I originally opened the compressed 
application files in a subdiretory of /tmp.  For some reason (could be my 
mistake) the make install routine built the proxy directories into the root 
directory of the machine, which is precisely where I do not want them to be.  
When I try moving the directories the application won't work.  Must I 
uninstall and then reinstall?  And, if yes, then how do I instruct the 
application to look at the proxy directories for the trained SPAM 

Also, I have an external box with a quarter terabyte disk.  Can I move the 
proxy directories over to that disk?



On Tuesday 15 March 2005 17:20, Tony Meyer wrote:
> > I have not been able to reproduce this problem, either when
> > offline from my Exchange server at work or when unconnected
> > to my home POP3 server. The address of the POP3 server
> > doesn't get resolved by DNS, but does appear in a HOSTS file.
> > I'd think that would be sufficient to trigger the problem,
> > but I guess it isn't. I use Outlook 2000 with Windows XP Pro SP2.
> I wrote this:
> Do you get a single getaddrinfo() failed error?  If I (also XP SP2) just
> unplug my network connection, that's what I get.  To trigger it, I had to
> enter the POP3 address as an IP address and unplug the network connection.
> I believe that Python's socket module just calls getaddrinfo() on whatever
> is given, whether domain name or IP address, so it's up to the underlying C
> library what it does.  Perhaps XP's winsock doesn't try the HOSTS file?
> (Mine only has localhost).
> Then I clicked: you're using the Outlook plug-in, and I believe everyone
> that experiences this problem is using sb_server (because the Outlook
> plug-in doesn't get involved in mail delivery).  So unless you are actually
> using sb_server, you won't be able to reproduce it.
> =Tony.Meyer
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