[Spambayes] Using SpamBayes

Frances Calhoun Bradley franieb at bellsouth.net
Wed Jun 8 02:23:06 CEST 2005

I have Windows XP and am using SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 1.0.3.  I'm not a developer or computer tech, so a lot of the language on the SpamBayes home page gets over my head.  I guess I'm asking that you respond to me in less technical terms (lol).  Anyway, I've been training SpamBayes for about one month.  I still get a lot of the German language spams.  Is there a point when SpamBayes will stop all or most spam?  Other than training SpamBayes, is there anything else I can do to ensure no spam gets through?  By the way, I learned of you through  a PC World message board (I think).  

I look forward to your response.  Thank you.

Frances Bradley
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