[Spambayes] Spambayes + Outlook Express

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Mar 23 21:46:15 EST 2004

> Installing 1.0a9 didn't seem to solve things 
> immediately as there is no auto start for 
> sb_server.exe. So I am limping along with a 
> sb_server that started manually. It works.

What do you mean "auto start"?  If you select the "automatically start
sb_server" option during the install, it should do so.  Do you mean that the
service version of sb_server is not there?  This is a known bug and has been
fixed in CVS, so will be fixed in the next release.

> The issue is the install doco is inconsistent
> with what's shipped.

It really helps us if you can be specific with problems like this.  *What
exactly* is inconsistent?  That way we can ensure that it's already fixed,
or if not, fix it.

=Tony Meyer

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