[Spambayes] Problem with Training

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Aug 7 10:47:18 EDT 2003

I'm afraid I have no idea why you had problems in the first place, but...

> I uninstalled, then reinstalled SpamBayes, and Trained it as
> before.  This
> time, it appeared to train correctly, however the message,
> "Database has 23
> good and 6 spam" appears next to the Train Now button.  There were 23
> messages in my inbox, and 90 unread messages in my new spam
> folder.

It is likely that you have struck a bug in the 006 release here, meaning on
6 of the 90 showed up.  Either that, of the Spam tool you were using before
removed so much of the original Spam message that SpamBayes was unable to
see it as a message.

I suggest you just stick with the 6 it has trained on, and wait for new,
fresh spam to appear.  These new ones are likely to be picked up fine.  FYI,
the bug I mentioned above is very rare, and has never actually been reported
by a user yet.

> And
> when I attempt to delete as spam, I continue to get the
> message, "You must
> enable SpamBayes before you can delete as spam."

The dialog sounds like it is ready to be enabled.  All you should need to do
is to click on the "Enable Spambayes" from the main SpamBayes manager

> When I click Close, the Enable Filtering checkbox is disabled
> and unchecked.

I'm really not sure.  I would suggest deleting your old spam folder and
waiting for a few new ones to come in.  Then exit Outlook, and delete the
SpamBayes configuration file (uninstalling does *not* remove the SpamBayes
configuration file).  See
s/Outlook2000/docs/configuration.html for how to locate the configuration
file - just delete it.

Then restart Outlook, and re-configure SpamBayes from scratch using only the
new spam.


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