[Spambayes] Problem with Training

Peter N. Kipe pkipe at corpdatasys.com
Wed Aug 6 17:13:36 EDT 2003

After installing SpamBayes, I trained it with my inbox (which contained only
ham), and a folder that contained spam identified by a utility I had been
using called SAproxy.  After training, I realized that the messages in the
spam folder were not the original spams, but were instead messages created
by SAproxy that contained attachments of the original spam messages.  It
seemed to me that SpamBayes had probably trained itself to be aware of
SAproxy spam messages, but not the original ones.

So I created a new folder, manually copied 90 spam attachments to it, then
re-trained SpamBayes.  In re-training, I browsed to the new spam folder,
checked Rebuild Entire Database, then ran it.  After training, the Manager
still shows the message, "Database has no training data".  After enabling
SpamBayes, highlighting an item in my inbox and clicking the "Delete as
Spam" button, I get the message "You must enable SpamBayes before you can
delete as spam."

I uninstalled, then reinstalled SpamBayes, and Trained it as before.  This
time, it appeared to train correctly, however the message, "Database has 23
good and 6 spam" appears next to the Train Now button.  There were 23
messages in my inbox, and 90 unread messages in my new spam folder.  And
when I attempt to delete as spam, I continue to get the message, "You must
enable SpamBayes before you can delete as spam."

By the way, after clicking Filter Now, setting options, then clicking Start
Filtering, I get the message, "Found 0 spam, 0 unsure and 0 good messages."
When I click Close, the Enable Filtering checkbox is disabled and unchecked.

In the Filter Now dialog, "Filter the following folders" contains Inbox and
SpamBayes (the name I gave to my new spam folder).

Help would be appreciated.


Peter Kipe

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