[Spambayes] Re: SpamBayes Outlook Plug-In

David Bolen db3l at fitlinxx.com
Tue Apr 8 18:44:03 EDT 2003

David Leftley <spambayes at djl.freeuk.com> writes:

> I have made this change (to the Save method, not removing the
> definition altogether) and it seems to fix the problem for me. I
> haven't yet been quick enough to open a message before spambayes gets
> its hands on it, but messages are now being updated to show their
> score as soon as they come in, and stay "read" when I open them.

So far it's working ok for me too, but I'm reasonably certain (as I
noted on SourceForge) that I had tested this first too - I seem to
recall that it worked better than using deferred, but it still missed
cases (compared to the extra Save).  Unfortunately they aren't
reproducing at the moment, so I'll see if I can recreate the failing
scenarios over a period of time.

-- David

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