[Spambayes] IMAP

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Apr 7 17:15:42 EDT 2003


> I'd prefer a small variation on (a):
> Training/untraining automatically when moving between 
> folders, (and on delivery) but with the possibility of having 
> more than one folder for ham. (Using the Trash folder for 
> spam seems appropriate)

Ah, you people should all just use Outlook and the Outlook plugin ;)

Seriously, I'm not sure how easy this will be.  I'll have a go at
watching folders and see how it goes; the trouble is that there isn't
any 'new mail' event that I can hook, so if the user beats the filter to
it, then the filter won't get a chance.

Anyway, all votes are for (a) (or modified versions) so far, so I'll
throw something along those lines together.  No-one likes (b), so it can
go, and (c) already exists, so people can use that as well/instead if
they like.

Look for an initial commit and corresponding message to the list in a
couple of hours.

=Tony Meyer

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