[spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at mondoinfo.com
Wed Aug 24 19:36:50 EDT 2022


> Not sure if anyone is still reading this,

I am. And I still use SpamBayes every day.

> but I'm running into an error when attempting to run 
> "setup_all.py", the py2exe setup script, I get the following:

> ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of 
> setup_all.py)

But I don't install it that way. I just copy the files.

> I'm able to run Spambayes from these source files in Outlook and 
> have the correct python version, pywin32, as well as py2exe.

Here are a couple of things I'd check:

Are you sure that you're using a version of Python that's
contemporaneous with the packaging?

You should be able to find the version of spambayes that setup_all.py
is trying to use. Does it in fact have a directory called resources?
Or is it possible that it's finding a directory called spambayes
that's not what you want it to find?


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