[spambayes-dev] Outlook plug-in & Windows 95

Tony Meyer ta-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Jan 15 18:07:51 EST 2004

> I don't recall anyone on Win95 saying so one way or the 
> other.  I don't have access to Win95 myself.

Does anyone?  <wink>

> I don't know of "a reason" it wouldn't work on Win95, so, if 
> nobody else does either, I vote we change the Windows page, 
> then change it back if someone pops up with a convincing 
> claim that it doesn't work on Win95.

> There isn't that much functional difference between Win95
> and Win98, and we do consistently claim to support Win98.

> +1 to claiming support for Win95 as well until someone reports
> otherwise.

Ok then, I'll update the windows page.

=Tony Meyer

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