[spambayes-dev] New Bug? - Outlook plug-in stops when parsinginterrupted by AV

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Oct 8 00:34:36 EDT 2003

> I think I've found something that needs to be
> fixed (maybe).    It's a repeatable error/anomaly.
> Do I raise/describe it here or is there a more appropriate forum ??

If you're fairly sure that it is a bug, then the very best thing to do
is open a bug report via the sourceforge system:
<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>.  That provides a convenient place to
attach comments and patches, and means that it shouldn't get lost in
list traffic.

If you're not so sure, then the best place is probably
spambayes at python.org.  If it really belongs on spambayes-dev, then
someone will move it over.

=Tony Meyer

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