[spambayes-dev] Remote access

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Tue Jul 15 11:10:38 EDT 2003

Next item ...

My wife is also troubled by spam, and is in the "Tim's sister" category.
However, she works from an older Macintosh, so there is no way to run
SpamBayes locally. I could reroute all of her mail through one of my mail
servers which runs MailScanner/SpamAssassin, but that looks to be only about
80% as effective as SpamBayes. I could also install MacPerl/POPFile on her
machine, but that's one more program for me to deal with and it means she
would have to handle the training.

I figured that I could setup a proxy that listened on 110 (so I didn't have
to immediately figure out how to change the port in Eudora on the Mac) and
let her access that. However, I can't seem to access either of my running
instances, either as a proxy or the web interface, as anything other than

All the machines involved are in 192.168.0/24, with no routers, gateways, or
firewalls inbetween. In fact, they are all connected to one switch. There
are no "personal firewall" products installed here, having had quite enough
experience with them at client sites! SMB networking is reliable between the
two Windows machines, ping is good and fast.

Is there anything in the SpamBayes code that is preventing remote access to
either the proxy or the web interface? I don't see anything obvious in
pop3proxy.py, but that means very little given me limited programming


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