[spambayes-dev] improving dumbdbm's survival chances...

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Jul 15 03:28:31 EDT 2003

    Tony> Easiest
    Tony> -------

    Tony> Run this from a console window:
    Tony>     dbExpImp.py -e -D hammie.db -f hammie.export
    Tony>     dbExpImp.py -i -d hammie.pkl -f hammie.export
    Tony> (There may be some way of doing this in one step, but the __doc__ is
    Tony> confusing...)
    Tony> You can delete the hammie.export file after this.

Alas, if Van's using dumbdbm now, his databases are very likely corrupt.
Trying to salvage them is going to be more trouble than it's worth.  Van, I
suggest you just retrain from scratch.


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