[spambayes-dev] Release 1.0a4

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jul 4 17:26:08 EDT 2003

Although 1.0a3 is not very old at all, I'm proposing that we release
1.0a4 reasonably shortly.  There are three main reasons:

1.  This was the first time I had released any Python software, and
anything via sourceforge, and didn't really know what I was doing ;).  I
*think* the only mistake that I made that I didn't correct was that I
didn't use distutils to build the package (just regular old zip, tar and
gzip).  I presume this is behind the problems with line endings that
people have reported (which seem reasonably substantial).

2.  The bug in FileCorpus.py which could result in incorrect database
counts is in a3 (not a2, AFAIK).  This can fairly quickly screw up the
database, and there's already another rouge bug that does this - two
isn't good!  I don't think anyone has examined which applications this
would effect, but it definitely would anyone using the Outlook plugin
via a3 (I caught it abusing my db).

3.  There was a bug with large/slow messages in pop3proxy that Richie
fixed.  This also was not (AKAIK) in a2, and could also be a big
problem, resulting in pop3proxy malforming mail.

These (particularly 2 and 3) seem like big'ish problems, and, to me,
worth bundling up a new release (also capturing the other little
improvements, obviously!).  I'm happy to do the work, if no-one
disagrees (probably early next week; I'm away this weekend).


=Tony Meyer

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