[spambayes-dev] 1.0a5 release [was: SpamBayes Readme]

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Aug 26 10:17:57 EDT 2003

    Tony> Instead of removing them, I think that we might want to move
    Tony> towards an integer verbose level at some point, which could mean
    Tony> that they are only printed at a high enough level.  The last time
    Tony> this was suggested it got some +0's, but nothing else, so I
    Tony> presume people don't really care either way.

I think if we are going to get that sophisticated, we might as well use the
logging module, though that would break 2.2 compatibility.  In any case,
I've seen no crying need for anything beside normal and verbose.

    Tony> It's not urgent, though (IMO), and could wait until a later release.



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