[spambayes-dev] 1.0a5 release [was: SpamBayes Readme]

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Tue Aug 26 13:16:09 EDT 2003

>> We didn't resolve the issue of the print statements in storage.py.
>> I have a simple change which will shoot them out to sys.stderr
>> I think that should be considered a bug fix, not an enhancement.
> I thought someone else had an alternative solution which 
> involved dumping the prints altogether.  I'll check in my 
> change in a moment.

I was the one suggesting removing them, but this would be an
enhancement, whereas your checkin was a bug fix.  Instead of removing
them, I think that we might want to move towards an integer verbose
level at some point, which could mean that they are only printed at a
high enough level.  The last time this was suggested it got some +0's,
but nothing else, so I presume people don't really care either way.

It's not urgent, though (IMO), and could wait until a later release.

=Tony Meyer

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