[spambayes-dev] missized fonts

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 13 21:48:57 EDT 2003

    >> The fixed-width text grew, but is still smaller than the surrounding
    >> text.

    Tony> This is what it looks like here (Windows, IE6, Opera, and Mozilla):

    Tony> <http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/sb-faq.jpg>

Yeah, about like hat.  Someone else (sorry, I forgot who already) indicated
that courier fonts tend to be smaller than their verdana, arial, etc
counterparts for the same point size.

    Tony> ... It's definitely fixed at 12, anyway, since if I shrink the
    Tony> page ...

Well, that's probably helped by the fact that I defined it that way.  I was
just copying the setting for the body:

    BODY                    { background:   white;
                              color:        #484848; 
                              margin-right: 15%;
    font-family: geneva, verdana, arial, "ms sans serif", sans-serif; 
    font-size: 12pt;


    TT.literal { 
      font-size: 12pt;

Should it have been "font-size: 100%"?  Someone suggested that, right?


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