[SciPy-User] Installing scipy on MacOS X

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 21:56:16 EDT 2015

"Slater Joseph C , PhD, PE" <joseph.slater at wright.edu> wrote:

> I'll try doing this next. A lot of directions/support, taking me a long
> time to iterate around them. What python do you have installed? I'm happy
> to exactly copy what anyone else has that works. 

I have Anaconda from continuum.io (Python 3.4).

I use gfortran binaries from the gfortran wiki, not the dual architecture
build that Matthew Brett recommends.

With Anaconda you can create an environment for developing SciPy like so
(from the top of my head):

$ conda create --mkdir --prefix ~/scipydev-env python=3.4 numpy=1.9 cython
nose pyflakes pep8


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