[SciPy-User] Arbitrary max-intensity projection

Chris Weisiger cweisiger at msg.ucsf.edu
Mon Sep 12 13:22:09 EDT 2011

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Samuel John <scipy at samueljohn.de> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> on which platform are you trying to build VTK with python support?

While my users are primarily on OSX, I do also need to be able to
provide Windows and Linux builds. It's a tricky business...

I downloaded the Enthought distribution and was able to run my program
with it, so at the very least there exists a solution. :)

> For the Mac, I contributed a homebrew formula for vtk (with python and qt support).
> I use this build in order to get the wonderful mayavi2.
>> brew options vtk # for alternatives, e.g. external qt.
>> brew install vtk --python --qt # wait some minutes :-)

I have to say I haven't encountered the "brew" program before, and
naturally the Internet would rather tell me about beer than
programming. :) Are you running this in your VTK build directory?

> bests,
>  Samuel


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