[SciPy-User] Arbitrary max-intensity projection

Jonathan Guyer guyer at nist.gov
Mon Sep 12 13:15:18 EDT 2011

On Sep 11, 2011, at 12:29 PM, Samuel John wrote:

> For the Mac, I contributed a homebrew formula for vtk (with python and qt support).

I discovered this just a few days ago. Thank you!!!

>> brew options vtk # for alternatives, e.g. external qt.

I looked for just such a command and couldn't find it. Where is it documented? After building once without python support, I did a `brew edit vtk` to see what I'd need to do and discovered the --python and --qt options, but couldn't figure out how I was supposed to know about them without editing the formula.

>> # wait some minutes :-)

No kidding!

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