[SciPy-User] VODE with BDF method

Rob Clewley rob.clewley at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 15:29:15 EDT 2011

Lex, I hope you understand that the internally generated Jacobian is
only a numeric finite-difference approximation. If you use the
set_integrator method you can set the BDF option using method="stiff".

ode15s = scipy.integrate.ode(f)
ode15s.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15, nsteps=3000)
ode15s.set_initial_value(u0, t0)



... as you can often compute your own symbolic Jacobian using a
package such as SymPy, or import it from Mathematica or Maple, as
shown in the above example. It will always lead to much more efficient
and accurate results for stiff systems.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 1:54 PM, lechtlr <lechtlr at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is there any option in Scipy to use "internally generated full Jacobian"  with VODE/BDF method for stiff systems ? Any help would greatly be appreciated.
> -Lex
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