[SciPy-User] Writing an Interpolation Function to Disk?

Sloan Lindsey sloan.lindsey at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 06:42:47 EST 2011

I've been using the new interpolation routines
(scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator) quite happily in my
project but I'm wondering if there is a way to save the output from
the interpolation function to disk. I'm using rather large datasets
(200,000+ points) and it takes an appreciable time to recalculate the
interpolant every time that I run my program. I'd like it if I could
dump the baked interpolant to disk and then restore it on execution.
Of course I probably need to generate the interpolant per machine but
I can deal with that. Is there any cool way to do this?
Sloan Lindsey
Technical University of Vienna

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