[SciPy-User] Some interactive Python tutorials on basic stats, possibly useful for teaching

Raj rajeev.raizada at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 16:28:46 EST 2011

Hi guys,

Many thanks indeed for the positive feedback
about the stats scripts!

Sorry about the problems that people have been encountering
when using some Matplotlib backends.
I'm not sure what to do about that, as I think it may need
to be fixed within the Matplotlib backend-code itself.
Good to hear that ipython -pylab fixes it,
or at least provides a workaround.
I had been testing on the Mac OS X backend.

The "divide by zero" problem mentioned by Bhanukiran
should, I believe, just be a warning printed in the Python window,
and should not actually stop the script from running.
I had encountered that warning in the correlation-plot script,
as calculating a correlation with just two points in it
produces a NaN p-value and spits out a warning.
So, that script includes a line to disable to warning,
although I am not sure if my including that was a good idea.
I guess it's possible that the other scripts might produce
similar warnings too, although I didn't encounter it myself.
Perhaps, e.g. in the one-sample t-test, if there are just two points
and those two points have identical y-values?

Re Github: I would be more than happy to upload the scripts to there.
Please let me know where it would be best for me to put them.

Josef's addition of robust stats is very interesting,
although these tutorials are meant to be extremely introductory,
and the robust-stats add-on may be a bit advanced,
from a purely tutorial point of view.
However, no harm at all in having both versions available.

Thanks again,


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